Sunday, December 9, 2007

3rd 10% of the novel

  • In the Chang Family they have a religious believer which is Confucius: religion of medicine and nature
  • Yu-i's Father wants all his son to be successful in their career
  • Girl's and women in the Chang where the last to be treated if there where any. For example their family has a tutor. Yu-i and her sisters will always be the last ones to learn how to read and write with their family tutor.
  • Yu-i's brothers lived with a very strict father, who would make them bei shu meaning reccite the books they've read.
  • Young- women did not have many education at that time therefore, Yu-i only knows some characters but not as much as her brothers.
  • in 1921 she was married to Hsu Chih-mo and left China to join him in England.
  • In 1922 they divorced
  • first sister was a sister who gambled and had no intention of education
  • YU-i as a secind sister of the family had high interested in education.
  • third sister loved food and cooking, which makes her the fattest out of all the sisters
  • fourth sister has a talent of designing clothes. THerefore, she was a designer
  • yu-i finally got a opportunity to go to school in Suzhou which costs 5 yuan. Together, yu-i's first sister and her went together to Suzhou for education.
  • when Yu-i was in Germany her first sister was married to a wealthy man with a unstable back ground.
  • Yu-i's sister and her sister's husband lived together for 15 years and had a son together
  • Because of Yu-i smart education she worked as a vice-president of the Shanghai women's Savings
  • Her first sister husband was a gambler and he had lost recently and was addicted to gambling. So Yu-i's first sister went to her for help
  • soon after her first sister's husband died in a sleep

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